Wednesday 27 August 2014


Where do i start from? 
Adjudicate basically means to judge, and judging is to something we do every minute of our lives. 
I personally think the biggest and quickest people to judge are 90% of Nigerian parents,don't get me wrong i haven't carried out any research possible but i know because i have been judged .

Nigerian parents judge and compare like it's in their blood, they compare each others children trying to prove theirs is the best. Every little mistake made is not only corrected but condemned,ridiculed and JUDGED.

This helps us to be at the tip of our toes, yes,but a child who receives criticism for every  move he or she makes would be at a point to afraid to make moves, there will be too much darkness in there. The child,teen or  youth at a certain stage won't know what to do in public anymore when they say just be yourself because the self has been lost.


Just heard about the story of the dude who received his IGCSE results.
Apparently his results were poor and he knew what was coming next when he showed his parents so he left the school, next thing they know they find his dead body. 

This is the third case of suicide which supposedly happened to a nigerian person,but who knows.
The point of this story is not to flippin' bore you but to tell you that if your judged by ANYBODY you shouldn't take it personally because you are better than that.You have been on this earth way too long too care so take the good and drop the nasty, k?

Paraphrase one of the best :"Yeah,my mama she told me don't worry about yourself
                                             She says,People like a little more you,that's right
                                             you know i won't be no crowd pleaser barbie doll
                                             So if thats what you're into then go ahead and move along"

M Y S T I C 



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